Sunday, September 26, 2010

whats art actually?

hey there..

for years now i am wondering about art..  the most common answer that i got in my questions was "art is a nice painting: or " a beatiful photograph" or " a lovely song"..hey come on! is it really this the definition of art?is it that? or is our dreams getting out of our souls as pictures , words or sounds? is it ?
in a book that I am reading now they refer art as:

"Art is essentially the affirmation, the blessing, and the deification of existence" ! and I believe that's it!

this painting above, " the windmills"  is one of my new pieces made here in San Diego but my ispiration  was back in greece. This familiar scenery for me of  Myconos island, never make any sence to me till a year and a half ago. After that, the windmills -that I grew next to them almost- they got a sooo special meaning for me. if you check carefullly you could see a shadow of a person between the mills.  tell me..Is he enjoying the scenery and the evening? Is he waiting his date? Is he facing his destiny?
