Wednesday, December 18, 2013

What does Art mean to you?

Art to me is imagination, it is life, the memories and the most creative way to express ones feelings and peoples thoughts and to express them widely open so everyone can see, admire, and even judge.

To me Art is about wonderment, the time taken and used to create something that cause people to stop and stare and maybe to try and understand the process of thought someone took in creating this piece of art.

Art is based on the very basic need of human nature to be "together", with others, with nature, with itself.
Art makes our lives infinitely rich, stimulates different parts of our brain and gives us a way to be creative, to express the feelings that words cannot describe, to give a form of "reality" to your dreams..
some one else said for art : "For me, it gives a good reason to get out of the bed in the morning."

 Art speaks to everyone. the problem is who can hear what art is saying?

 Art reflects life. But how many of us could see it in this blurriness of every days problems? Stop and stare at an art piece. Think as you used to think when you were a child. When your mind was full of colors and smiles. See the life now?


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